
An async-aware Result counterpart.

Can be combined with asynchronous code without having to await anything right until the moment when you’re ready to extract the final Result out of it.

Can also be combined with synchronous code for convenience.

// T is the Ok value type, E is the Err error type
AsyncResult<T, E>


import { AsyncResult } from 'ts-results-es'


You can construct it directly from Result<T, E> or Promise<Result<T, E>>:

const result1 = new AsyncResult(Ok(1))
const result2 = new AsyncResult((async () => Err('bad_error')())

Or you can use the Result.toAsyncResult() method:

const result3 = Ok(1).toAsyncResult()


andThen<T2, E2>(
    mapper: (val: T) => Result<T2, E2> | Promise<Result<T2, E2>> | AsyncResult<T2, E2>
): AsyncResult<T2, E | E2>

Calls mapper if the result is Ok, otherwise keeps the Err value intact. This function can be used for control flow based on Result values.


let goodResult = Ok(1).toAsyncResult()
let badResult = Err('boo').toAsyncResult()

await goodResult.andThen(async (value) => Ok(value * 2)).promise // Ok(2)
await goodResult.andThen(async (value) => Err(`${value} is bad`)).promise // Err('1 is bad')
await badResult.andThen(async (value) => Ok(value * 2)).promise // Err('boo')


map<U>(mapper: (val: T) => U | Promise<U>): AsyncResult<U, E>

Maps an AsyncResult<T, E> to AsyncResult<U, E> by applying a function to a contained Ok value, leaving an Err value untouched.

This function can be used to compose the results of two functions.


let goodResult = Ok(1).toAsyncResult()
let badResult = Err('boo').toAsyncResult()

await (value) => value * 2).promise // Ok(2)
await badResult.andThen(async (value) => value * 2).promise // Err('boo')


mapErr<F>(mapper: (val: E) => F | Promise<F>): AsyncResult<T, F>

Maps an AsyncResult<T, E> to AsyncResult<T, F> by applying mapper to the Err value, leaving Ok value untouched.


let goodResult = Ok(1).toAsyncResult()
let badResult = Err('boo').toAsyncResult()

await goodResult.mapErr(async (error) => `Error is ${error}`).promise // Ok(1)
await badResult.mapErr(async (error) => `Error is ${error}`).promise // Err('Error is boo')


or<E2>(other: Result<T, E2> | AsyncResult<T, E2> | Promise<Result<T, E2>>): AsyncResult<T, E2>

Returns the value from other if this AsyncResult contains Err, otherwise returns self.

If other is a result of a function call consider using orElse() instead, it will only evaluate the function when needed.


const badResult = new AsyncResult(Err('Error message'))
const goodResult = new AsyncResult(Ok(1))

await badResult.or(Ok(123)).promise // Ok(123)
await goodResult.or(Ok(123)).promise // Ok(1)


    other: (error: E) => Result<T, E2> | AsyncResult<T, E2> | Promise<Result<T, E2>>,
): AsyncResult<T, E2>

Returns the value obtained by calling other if this AsyncResult contains Err, otherwise returns self.


const badResult = new AsyncResult(Err('Error message'))
const goodResult = new AsyncResult(Ok(1))

await badResult.orElse(() => Ok(123)).promise // Ok(123)
await goodResult.orElse(() => Ok(123)).promise // Ok(1)


promise: Promise<Result<T, E>>

A promise that resolves to a synchronous result.

Await it to convert AsyncResult<T, E> to Result<T, E>.


toOption(): AsyncOption<T>

Converts from AsyncResult<T, E> to AsyncOption<T> so that Err is converted to None and Ok is converted to Some.